看Interstellar的时候,其中的老教授Brand反复引用这句诗,甚至直到最后躺在病床上奄奄一息的时候,年轻的Murph质问他是否早就知道自己的研究其实无解、故意把所有人骗上了抛弃地球进行星际穿越的不归路时, 他也还一直在念诵这首诗。
当时其实没太看懂这句话到底什么意思,good night不是挺好的意象吗,为啥do not go gentle into it?为啥要强调gentle?老教授为嘛一直心心念念这句诗,到底想表达什么?
这首诗是威尔士诗人Dylan Thomas在1947年写给他病危的父亲的。Dylan的父亲是一名落魄的小学英语老师,一生尝试诗歌创作,渴望成为一位真正的诗人却未偿所愿。Dylan小的时候晚上临睡,父亲给他念的床头故事就是莎士比亚的各种著作。Dylan虽然听不懂这些著作的意思,但是却很喜欢其中展现的节奏与韵律,并且从小爱上了诗歌创作。当他父亲抱着一生梦想难酬的惆怅在病床上苦苦挣扎的时候,Dylan满心悲痛的写下了这首诗,原文如下:
Do not go gentle into that good night,Old age should burn and rave at close of day;Rage, rage against the dying of the light.Though wise men at their end know dark is right,Because their words had forked no lightning theyDo not go gentle into that good night.Good men, the last wave by, crying how brightTheir frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,Rage, rage against the dying of the light.Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,Do not go gentle into that good night.Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sightBlind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,Rage, rage against the dying of the light.And you, my father, there on the sad height,Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.Do not go gentle into that good night.Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Do not go gentle into that good night,Old age should burn and rave at close of day;Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,Because their words had forked no lightning theyDo not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how brightTheir frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sightBlind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.Do not go gentle into that good night.Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
全诗读完,就会明白“Do not go gentle into that good night”只是一份真诚鼓励与期许的温婉开场,Dylan通过描述wise men, good men, wild men和grave men四种人面对死亡的场景,层层铺展来引出这首诗最终的主题。
Wise men: 他们把死亡看作一片黑暗,他们知道死亡是正常的也无可避免的,但是他们渴望自己的人生或者事业或者作品像叉开一道闪电一样在这片黑夜中绽开光明,如果没有做到,他们就do not go gentle into that good night
Good men: 他们就像大海中的一阵波浪,死亡就像走过万里重洋最终将打上海滩,但他们不会就此停歇,因为他们留下的缕缕浮沫,会舞动着滋养出一片生机勃发的海湾。
Wild men: 他们的人生就像在追逐与捕获炽烈的太阳,当最终死亡来临时,他们才意识到太阳终将落去,他们会为辉煌的殒去而悲伤,但也do not go gentle into that good night。
Grave men: 将死之人,即便已经病入膏肓目不能视,他们也可以从病痛蒙蔽的双眼中迸发出最后流星一般明亮的火光,do not go gentle into that good night。
四种人共同指向的主题就是“Rage, rage against the dying of the light”。Dylan对父亲鼓励的话最后到这里浓缩成一句声嘶力竭的呼喊,“狂怒吧,狂怒地与那光芒的消亡抗争”。
Interstellar的结局,Cooper在五维生命的帮助下顺利把黑洞里的关键数据传回给女儿,解掉Brandon教授原以为不可解的问题,并最终拯救了人类。而电影也暗示五维生命其实就是延续下去的未来人类。所以某种意义上,正是人类面对Good night的rage和挣扎,才得以最终完成自我的救赎。
“Do not go gentle into that good night”是一首刻画非常生动也感人至深的诗,然而冷漠的现实却并没有被感动。Dylan的父亲不久去世,Dylan自己则清贫大半生,在1951年这首诗终于发表后才两年,他就英年早逝,当时仅仅39岁。
年轻的Dylan曾经写过另一首诗,叫做“And death shall have no dominion”,那时候,死亡在他看来并不是什么可怕的事,他在诗里明确的展现了“我们的存在可以永恒、死亡并不能主宰一切”的豁达。生活和岁月的打磨让他渐渐认清死亡的可怕,到了写“Do not go gentle into that good night”的时候,这份豁达显然已经烟消云散,死亡的黑幕横亘眼前,他再也无法坦然。命运是如此爱捉弄,当他准备万全时,死亡藏匿无踪,当他应对无力时,死亡却猝然而至。
最后,读完Dylan的诗,我总是想起穆旦。 穆旦在《冥想》里写:
穆旦的这种面对死亡的冥想,俨然就是Dylan所描述的wise men。然而穆旦诗里表现出来的却是另一种气质,有一种平淡中氲着的无奈和失落,却没有do not go gentle的决绝,更没有rage against the dying of the light的热烈。 然而,不同的气质,却是同样的悲剧。穆旦也是一生受尽磨难,被打成反革命折磨改造达数十年,写完《冥想》之后不久,就心脏病发作去世。
如果他没有go gentle into that good night,彼时彼刻,是否又能够实现自救呢?还是说,他根本就不愿自救,所以才go gentle into that good night?
By Lynxiayel
9 Nov 2018 9 Nov 2018